World Boxing Association By-Laws

World Boxing Association By-Laws
World Boxing Association

World Boxing Association By-Laws

World Boxing Association By-Laws
World Boxing Association




Article 1.01    The name of the organization is the WORLD BOXING ASSOCIATION, hereinafter called the ASSOCIATION, will have its domicile wherever the President locates or installs its main office, at present it is located at Marbella, Calle 47 and Aquilino De La Guardia Ave. P.H. Ocean Business Plaza (Banco Banesco), 14 floor, Office 1405, Bella Vista, district and province of Panama, Republic of Panama. 

The domicile of the Association shall be where the President fixes the Office of the President, and in addition to the domicile for International litigation, established in the State of Washington, United States of America and, the Court of Pierce County, United States of America: A Subsidiary System of special domiciles is adopted, to deal with financial, operational, administrative, sports or any other matters, specific for the topics to be resolved, necessary to the interests of the Association, paying attention to the application of its Principles of equality, equity and transparency of its international activities, as well as to the relationship with its Members who are Certified, recognized and accepted by the Association.

The adoption of the System of Special Subsidiary Addresses (SSSA) will provide the parties affected by a decision of the Association with a double instance review provided under the Association’s Bylaws, to act under the procedure established or to be established by the Association by the competent committee, accepting unrestrictedly, freely, voluntarily, preferentially, compulsorily, exclusively and to the exclusion of any other means of defense, where they must discuss the subject matter of the appeal until all the facts on filed are exhausted, whose decisions shall be final and binding.

Article 1.02    The WORLD BOXING ASSOCIATION, formerly the “National Boxing Association”, founded in 1921, and known as the “WORLD BOXING ASSOCIATION” from August 23, 1962, is a voluntary non-profit organization, with legal status and its own patrimony distinct from that of its members, dedicated to promoting and serving the sport of boxing, and the implementing of security measures for the protection of the boxers.  

Article 1.03    The ASSOCIATION shall exercise its authority and carry out its activities throughout the world according to the Bylaws, Regulations and Rules of the ASSOCIATION to promote and contribute, design and execute plans and programs aimed at the development and application of safety norms for its control and supervision in harmony with the regions and countries members. To such effect the following regions will be considered:

  2. ASIA
  3. CHINA



Article 2.01    

  1. The objectives of the ASSOCIATION are:
    1. To enhance the sport of boxing in all its forms throughout the world by establishing, maintaining, and operating an organization that provides an honest, fair, and impartial for the development of professional boxing and for the personal and professional advancement of boxers as part of society. 
    2. To make boxing a prestigious sports activity with credibility and institutional recognition.
    3. To help to improve the image of boxing through the appreciation, enjoyment and positive perception on behalf of the public on the quality and integrity of boxing as a responsible work that demands formation and discipline and the professionalism of its leaders and other participants.    
    4. Recognize the World Championships in each of the weight divisions or categories that are carried out, in conformity with their rules and regulations and certify those professional boxers who have earned such recognition. Nevertheless, the Association reserves the right to suspend or cancel the recognition of a World Champion, for violation, for breach of the rules of the Association, as well as for conduct injurious to the good name, integrity and prestige of the Association
    5. To certify and endorse the Championship fights. Every recognized champion and all persons involved in the promotion, organization, diffusion and commercialization of championship fights recognized by the WBA and all those who request license and authorization for the use of the WBA name in such fights, understand and recognize that the right to the title and designation as “WBA Champion” is the exclusive property of the ASSOCIATION. The WBA certification of a match as a “WBA Championship” and the designation of “WBA Champion” are privileges and not rights of any kind or nature, vested or otherwise, and all boxers, promoters and their representatives, as well as the WBA members and the directives, including boxing organizations recognized by the ASSOCIATION must comply with these Bylaws and all the Rules and Regulations of the WBA in order to qualify for such certification or designation. The championship bouts held by the Regional or Continental Organizations and/or Federations, as well as the WBA women’s boxing, or any other that carries the name and certification of the ASSOCIATION, must comply with the dispositions established herein.  

Article 2.02 The means to reach the objectives mentioned are:

  1. To maintain good understanding among all the promoting companies, sponsors, trainers and boxers, in order to ensure a good level in the sport of boxing.
  2. Contribute to the positive development of boxing in all its forms and gender, through common cooperation, advice and assistance to boxers, promoters and sponsors of this sport.
  3. To set and maintain the standards of this sport worldwide.
  4. Establish and maintain the ethical standards to which its members and/or those related to them should be bound.
  5. To represent the members of the Association before the authorities of the different countries and/or the Governments, and/or Committees, Representatives, when the interests of the Association and/or members so require.



Article  3.01   The ASSOCIATION shall have all of the powers, duties, authorizations and responsibilities generally accorded to a nonprofit corporation. In addition, but not by way of limitation, the ASSOCIATION shall have the power to enter into license agreements, own stock in for-profit corporations, and donate funds to charitable organizations. The ASSOCIATION, in order to meet better its ends and objectives may, in any way, acquire, dispose of, give in use and encumber all types of assets, and carry our all types of legal acts.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the ASSOCIATION shall neither have nor exercise any power, nor shall it engage, directly or indirectly, in any activity that would invalidate its status as an organization that is exempt from federal income taxation according to the Law of United States, Venezuela or similar law in jurisdictions of other nations of the world where the ASSOCIATION activities are carried out.

Article 3.02   The ASSOCIATION will have the following activities:

  1. For the purpose of promoting and contributing to the regional development of the boxing the ASSOCIATION will enter into strategic alliances and agreements that may be necessary, worldwide, continental, regionally, nationally or federative, that enhance and endorse the improvement and strengthening of the activity in the regions of Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and Latin America. In this sense the ASSOCIATION, is empowered to grant recognition to specific organizations to work in the aforementioned areas, according to the regulations contained in these Bylaws.
  2. The ASSOCIATION shall establish and recognize the World Championships in each of the weight categories or divisions established in these Bylaws within the following weight limits:
    MINI FLYWEIGHT105  Lbs.47.63   Kgs.
    LIGHT FLY108  Lbs.48.99   Kgs.
    FLYWEIGHT112  Lbs.50.80   Kgs.
    SUPER FLYWEIGHT 115  Lbs.52.16   Kgs.
    BANTAMWEIGHT118  Lbs.53.52   Kgs.
    SUPER BANTAMWEIGHT122  Lbs.55.34   Kgs.
    FEATHERWEIGHT126  Lbs.57.15   Kgs.
    SUPER FEATHER130  Lbs.58.97   Kgs.
    LIGHTWEIGHT135  Lbs.61.23   Kgs.
    SUPER LIGHTWEIGHT140   Lbs.63.50   Kgs.
    WELTER WEIGHT147  Lbs.66.68   Kgs.
    SUPER WELTERWEIGHT154   Lbs.69.85   Kgs.
    MIDDLEWEIGHT160   Lbs.72.57   Kgs.
    SUPER MIDDLEWEIGHT168   Lbs.76.20   Kgs.
    LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT175   Lbs.79.38   Kgs.
    CRUISERWEIGHT200   Lbs.90.89   Kgs.
    HEAVYWEIGHT200 Lbs Plus90.89 Kgs. Plus
    Similarly, it shall recognize fights in the aforementioned divisions between WBA Champions and those of other organizations recognized by the ASSOCIATION in Unification of Titles fights.
  3. The ASSOCIATION will stimulate the making of unification Title Fights with other recognized organizations, and to such event the ASSOCIATION will keep a special legislation applicable for this type of fights, aimed at to facilitating the fulfillment of the obligatory defenses of the Unified Champions in coordination with other organizations
  4. The ASSOCIATION shall adopt a distinctive symbol for the World Championship fights in each weight divisions; the World Champion Belt shall be awarded to the champions duly recognized by the ASSOCIATION for the champions to exhibit them in each of their defenses to constitute testimony of the achievement of the athlete.
  5. The ASSOCIATION shall adopt a distinctive symbol for the World Championship in each of the recognized weight divisions; the Belt of the World Champion shall be awarded to the champions duly recognized by the ASSOCIATION for the champions to exhibit them in each of their defenses to constitute testimony of the effort culminated by the athlete.

Article 3.03 The Patrimony of the Association is constituted by means of:

  1. Revenue from the affiliation of members;
  2. Payment of Sanctions Fees for World Championships fights;
  3. Earnings from Auctions of donated implements by boxers, trainers, managers and promoters.
  4. Income from lawful activities from its social and academic programs.

Article 3.04 The activities to be performed in order to obtain the Association’s assets will be:

  1. Monthly fees charged to the different members;
  2. Purse Bids.
  3. Those created to maintain assets as another form of income from lawful activities. 



Article 4.01    The ASSOCIATION shall have the following category of members:

Voting Members: 

Executive Committee/Directorate  



Executive Secretary

Male Championships Committee Chairman

Female Championships Committee Chairman

Ratings Committee Chairman 

International Coordinator 

Finance Director


International Officials Committee Chairman 

Decisions shall be taken by a majority vote of the representatives and in the event of a tie the president vote shall decide.

Article 4.02     Affiliation Requirements

he World Boxing Association reserves the right to establish membership requirements for any of its qualified members to organize, regulate and supervise boxing in any of its forms.

The amount The amounts of the admission fees and annual payments established for the different categories of members, as well as the Sanction Fees will be set forth by the Directorate of the ASSOCIATION, based on the needs of the Annual Budget, which could be modified at the discretion of this Directory and must be notified before their enforcement. 

Article 4.03    Obligations of the Members

The persons, boxing organizations, and those other entities, organizations, which have been accepted as members in any category of the WBA are bound to strictly comply with all the regulations established in these Bylaws and other regulations of the WBA. In the same way they bind to agree and comply with the agreements, regulations, and other decisions taken by the Directorate and Assemblies of WBA.

Article 4.04    Dues and late payments

The Executive Committee together with the treasury shall establish the annual membership fees for all recognized, certified and accepted members of the Association, which shall be paid before March 31 of each year. Those members who are one year in default shall be automatically excluded from the list of members of the ASSOCIATION. 

To enter again in the ASSOCIATION, they will have to pay the quotas pending up to the date of their withdrawal providing that their lag is not major of three years, and in these cases, they must request, a new admission, complying with the requirements and steps set forth in these Bylaws for the admission of new members

Article 4.05    Loss of Membership

The members of the ASSOCIATION will lose their Membership quality when, in the opinion of the Executive Committee or the extended Directorate, commit the following faults: 

  1. When in the exercise of his activities oppose systematically the intentions and purposes of the ASSOCIATION, violate the present Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, or infringe openly the dispositions of the Directory or of the General Meeting.
  2. When they incur serious faults of organizational ethics to the detriment of the image of the ASSOCIATION, or inconsiderate and repeated acts of disloyal competition and / or unjustified attacks to the ASSOCIATION, or that affect the ordinary execution of the activities of the ASSOCIATION.
  3. For realizing, tackling, propitiating, and directing individual or jointly acts in opposition to the ASSOCIATION that could cause moral or material prejudice to the WBA or its members.

The Directorate or the Executive Committee have the power to suspend, to impose fines, to expel, or apply kind of sanction that it considers to be pertinent, to any of the members of the WBA, depending on the circumstances and qualification of the gravity of the fault committed by the above mentioned member. 

No person who has propitiated or participated in actions against the good development and image of the ASSOCIATION, for the fulfillment of its mission as the international boxing governor, may not hold the office of President or any other directive office or be members of committees of ASSOCIATION.  This norm is applicable with the same force to any member and director of the ASSOCIATION that have participated or participated, or supported actions against the good development and purpose of the ASSOCIATION, in detriment and prejudice of the activity the organization shall develop around the world. In these cases the Directory is empowered to request and sanction with the separation of these members from the bosom of the Directory of the ASSOCIATION. 

Besides the motives set forth in Article 4.06 of these Bylaws, the Directory is empowered to exclude a member of the Directory of the ASSOCIATION, according to the following causes: 

  1. Repeated failure to attend meetings. 
  2. Any conduct as a Director or individually which is disloyal or contrary to the interests of the ASSOCIATION, such as seeking or obtaining an improper personal benefit on account of the director’s position, exploiting for personal benefit information obtained as a director, or engaging in activities in competition with the ASSOCIATION; or
  3. To engage in any action with detriment to the honesty, image and seriousness of the Directory.
  4. A violation of the Code of Ethic of ASSOCIATION

No boxer who has been the object of any legal measure, which in any way limits the full exercise of his rights or who is in jail because of a sentence, shall not, in no way, be ranked or recognized by the ASSOCIATION.  Additionally, the ASSOCIATION may refrain from ranking or maintaining any relationship with the boxers or persons involved in acts or conducts which may damage the good name, integrity or prestige of the ASSOCIATION or of boxing.

Any person that has been affected by a decision of an organ or authority of the WBA has the right to appeal to the corresponding organ according to the provisions of the respective Legal Statements.




Article 5.01: The General Assembly or convention shall be convened by the Directorate on an optional basis every two years when so requested by the Directorate at the request of the Presidency to keep the full membership of the World Boxing Association informed of all members who constitute the Association and who attend it with the right to speak, and to know about the totality of the actions, reforms, and amendments that have been made to the bylaws of the  Association, as well as to all its rules and regulations. Therefore, the members of the Directorate with the right to speak and vote must present the respective minutes and all their content with the respective conclusions, recommendations and agreements, thus keeping the action of the Directorate uniform and consistent with the Assembly whose functions and attributions are limited to the above, since the Assembly hereinafter with the present reform will have a non-obligatory and non-binding itinerant character for all the effects of the present bylaws. 

Article 5.02    Publications of the Proceedings of the General Assembly

The General Assembly shall make known its actions and decisions by the following means:

  1. Reports presented at meetings of the Board of Directors and General Assemblies;
  2. Weekly mailings of activities and actions

Article 5.03    Elections

The Directorate shall be composed of members with the right to speak and vote, who shall be freely appointed and removed by the Presidency. The Board of Directors shall be the Natural Governing Body, and may, at the discretion of the Presidency, according to criteria of interest, necessity, dynamics and transparency, meet on an Ad-Hoc basis as an Assembly, or Extended Directorate and/or Executive Committee, whose members shall be convened and designated to meet, and according to the organ in charge, the Presidency shall schedule it to deal with matters of urgency or that require expeditious handling in consonance with the powers, faculties and prerogatives set forth in these bylaws.

The President shall be elected by a majority vote of the members of the Directorate qualified to exercise this right every five (5) years at such time as may be fixed and corresponding to the end of the presidential term. 

In order to be eligible for membership in the Directorate as well as for the Presidency, the person must have been member of the Directorate consecutively during the last five (5) years preceding the date of election, have attended the last five (5) conventions, during which time he/she must have contributed to the fulfillment of his/her objectives for the protection and strengthening of the Association.  

People who aspire to be proposed as candidates for the Presidency of the Association should not hold positions as presidents of national bodies of any nature recognized, accepted and certified by the Association at the time of their nomination.

The Directorate of the Association shall be composed of the following Members, who shall also constitute the Governing Bodies of the Association. 

  1. President
  2. Vice-President
  3. Executive secretary
  4. Director of Men’s World Championships
  5. Director of Women’s World Championships
  6. Director of Classifications
  7. International Coordinator 
  8. Director of Finance
  9. Director of Treasury
  10. Director of International Officials Committee

    With full rights

  11. Assistant Director of Men’s World Championships
  12. Assistant Director of Women’s World Championships
  13. Assistant Director of Classifications
  14. Assistant Director of International Officials

    The Assistant Directors who are members of the Directorate shall have the right to vote when the corresponding Director cannot exercise it for statutory reasons that justify it.

  15. North America Regional Director
  16. Regional Director for Latin America
  17. Regional Director for Europe
  18. Asia Regional Director
  19. Regional Director for Africa
  20. Oceania Regional Director

    The Directors of the Regions shall exercise the right to vote when convened by the Presidency because regional agenda items so require.

  21. Assistant Regional Director for North America
  22. Assistant Regional Director for Latin America
  23. Assistant Director for Europe
  24. Assistant Regional Director for China
  25. Assistant Regional Director for Africa
  26. Assistant Regional Director for Oceania

    The Assistant directors will exercise the right to vote when the Regional Director cannot exercise it for statutory reasons that justify it.


  27. General Advisor
  28. Legal Adviser
  29. Medical Advisor
  30. Financial Advisor
  31. Technical Advisor


  32. Medical Committee for Research and Protection
  33. Training Academy
  34. Statistical Committee for the Official Register
  35. Committee on Communications and Strategies
  36. Technical Committee for the Quality of Shows and Athletes
  37. Olympic Boxing Committee and/or World League
  38. Committee on Social Security and Integral Welfare.

Article 5.04    Nomination Requirements 

The Executive Committee shall establish the nomination requirements for any position within the ASSOCIATION. 



Article 6.01    The Executive Committee

It shall be the authority responsible for conducting all the affairs of the ASSOCIATION during the period between its meetings, according to the faculties and attributions established in these bylaws, regulations and other legal regulations of the ASSOCIATION. 

This Executive Committee, shall work with the president on the essentials, therefore, the Executive Committee undertakes with the president all the structural, functional and operational management of the WBA foreseen and contained in the bylaws, the results of which shall be reported or notified to the Directorate and/or acting as the general assembly of the ASSOCIATION at the time of its celebration.

The Executive Committee shall meet, in person or virtually, at least once a month, or as often as required by the President. It may meet with a number of three (3) members with the power to make decisions, to which the absent members shall adhere; any absence must be justified in writing at least one day in advance. The Executive Committee shall always meet in the presence of the president. Without him, it cannot meet. 

The President shall draft the annual calendar of the meetings with the Executive Committee, and shall send it to each members, indicating the place, date and time of their monthly meetings.

The decisions of the Executive Committee shall be taken by the majority votes of the members present at the meeting, the minutes of which shall be taken. In the event of a tie, the President vote shall be decisive,

Article 6.02    Faculties and Attributes of the Directorate

Consequently, the Executive Committee may manage with the President all the areas of WBA activity, among others.  

  1. Sports WBA, (International Advisory, regions and any other matter assigned to them by the president)  
  2. Administrative, legal, technical, communication and academic matters of the WBA and any other subject assigned to them by the President

The sports management will be directed by the president or the person he delegates in his absence, and three (3) advisors appointed by him.

The handling of the administrative area will have the attributions according to the nature of its attributions and faculties, to advise and to execute all the policies of the Presidency related to the administrative, legal, operative handling of any of its offices and will work to maintain the normal operation of this structure in everything related to payroll, public services, suppliers, air tickets and travel expenses of the Directorate, leases, budget and management of meetings under this new structure, the KO Drugs, taxes and other expenses, to which end it may open an independent bank account for the management and budget of payments for its operation outlined herein. 

Information and Technology: Its main objective will be to create and maintain all our platforms according to the current times and to update the working method. 

Audit: its main objective will be to monitor all our procedures for a good operation. 

Academy: its main objective shall be to train the new generations of trainers, officials, doctors and journalists in the discipline.

Medical: its main objective will be to keep us updated to safeguard the Boxer’s health in and out of the ring.  In addition, to coordinate with the competent bodies the implementation of the WBA Fair Boxing anti-doping program. 

KO Drugs: it’s main objective will be to implement social programs to develop the activity in the less resourceful sectors to give opportunity to the most needy. 

Press: its main objective is the communication and promotion of the brand in all platforms.. 

Officials: its main objective will be to ensure that our judges and referees are constantly updated through their seminars, and to guarantee the full development of boxing events in all their forms.

All this enunciative activity, within the new structure of the Association, will be developed and implemented by the advisory bodies according to the essence of their natural faculties that will be given to them directly by the presidency, or through any of the members of the Executive Committee in their areas of competence. 

The presidency, together with the director of Administration and Finance and Treasury, prior the preparation of the corresponding budget, will determine the amount of resources for the normal development of its fundamental activities in the form, terms and conditions set forth.. 

The director of Administration and Finance together with the treasurer, for all legal purposes, will receive within the first five (5) days of each month the list of expenses corresponding to the immediately preceding month prepared by the offices 

The president, according to his powers and attributions, may create a committee that will be in charge of the elaboration of a manual of responsibilities and job description of each member that will be of strict fulfillment.  All new members of the WBA must be certified.  

The Executive Committee is empowered to approve items and expenses, which were not considered in the Annual Budget, which expenses may not exceed THIRTY PERCENT (30 %) of the Annual Budget. The Treasurer has the obligation to inform of such expenses the General Meeting of such expenses and the reasons supporting them. 

The Directory shall have the power to suspend, to impose fines, to expel, or apply kind of sanction that it considers to be pertinent, to any of the members of the WBA, depending on the circumstances and qualification of the gravity of the fault committed by the above mentioned member.

Article 6.03    Regional Organizations

The regional organizations will be the following: 

  1. WBA Africa
  2. WBA Asia 
  3. WBA China
  4. WBA Europe 
  5. WBA Latin America 
  6. WBA NABA 

These regional organizations will continue with their activities and additionally they will carry out those that are entrusted by the President or the Executive Committee, they will continue operating by means of the execution of an agreement or strategic alliance following the ones already existing, among which are, to celebrate tournaments to introduce new fighters and to strengthen the WBA in their regions.

The regional directors may, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, be called to an extended meeting, at which they shall have the right to speak and vote.

Article 6.04   Liability of the Members

No member of the Executive Committee or officer shall be personally liable for any action or decision taken by the Executive Committee, as a collegiate body, in the exercise of its functions or performance of its duties on behalf of the ASSOCIATION.

Article 6.05    Expenses and Compensation of Directors

Members of the Executive Committee shall be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses incurred by them in connection with their attending meetings of the ASSOCIATION, as well as for general office expenses resulting from the performance of their duties in the exercise of their functions.  The President and the Treasurer, in addition to the expense budget of the main office, that includes the general administrative expenses and the salaries of the operational staff of said office, shall also draw up the budget of the emoluments to be paid to the Members so determined by the Executive Committee, for the performance of offices or positions which, due to the nature of their functions, must be subject to such compensation for services separate and independent from any others they may receive from their personal or professional activities, rendered to the ASSOCIATION. 

Emoluments, compensation or fees may be established or paid in an amount either annually or monthly, for attendance at meetings, or a combination of both, or any other reasonable method of compensation. The remaining members of the Executive Committee, Regional Directors, advisory bodies and consultants in general who are not subject to emoluments, compensation or fees, may receive a travel allowance for attending Executive Committee meetings, to be determined by the President and the Treasurer. The emoluments established herein (fees, compensations, traveling expenses), since they are voluntary and essentially non-remunerative, may be eliminated or modified when the interests of the ASSOCIATION require it, prior report of the Administration and Finance Director. 

Article 6.06    The President

The President will be the highest authority of the ASSOCIATION, and as such shall preside all meetings held to conduct the affairs of the ASSOCIATION. He will take possession of his position, together with the other authorities he has designated in the exercise of his functions. The temporary or absolute absence of the President shall be filled by the Vice-president. 

Article 6.07    Faculties and Attributes of the President

  1. To exercise the Association’s representation in accordance with the attributes established in these Bylaws. 
  2. To exercise the representation of the ASSOCIATION at a National and International level, in all lawful acts, of any nature whatsoever, and in all those acts which are necessary in carrying out his duties.
  3. To appoint and remove the members of the Executive Committee, Regional Directors, Advisory Body, as well as the Directorate Advisors in any area that may contribute to the achievement of the objectives and purposes of the ASSOCIATION.
  4. To summon meetings of the Executive Committee.
  5. To order the notification for the celebration of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assemblies, according to the provisions of these Bylaws.
  6. To authorize all necessary payments, for its functioning, ends and objectives of the ASSOCIATION.  The Treasurer shall oversee all disbursements to be made by the ASSOCIATION and shall be correctly processed in accordance with general accepted accounting principles.
  7. To decide on the creation of any body, which in his opinion is advisable.
  8. To direct the General Ordinary or Extraordinary Meetings and those meetings of the Directorate.
  9. To appoint the representative of the ASSOCIATION for each Championship fight to ensure compliance with the Regulations established for the recognition and validity of all Championship fights.
  10. To appoint, in coordination with local authorities and according to the local laws of the country or region where the fight takes place, the officials (judges and referees) who will participate in each Championship fight. In this sense, the principle of neutrality and impartiality shall be observed and encouraged.
  11. The President and the Treasurer, shall manage everything related to the ASSOCIATION’s finances. The President and the Director of Administration and Finance are the persons authorized to determine and select the type of bank accounts for the movement of the ASSOCIATION’s funds in any institution in the world that they deem convenient. They are also the only persons who can authorize others to move funds on behalf of the ASSOCIATION, indicating the specific amounts for such transactions. The President is authorized to carry out the necessary administrative procedures before the banking or financial institutions for the opening, closing, operating and moving of the respective accounts.
  12. Authorize the credentials of all members of the ASSOCIATION.
  13. To agree and sign agreements with other recognized boxing organizations that will benefit the ASSOCIATION, informing the Executive Committee to the Directorate and/or General Assembly. 
  14. To request the vote of the Executive Committee and the regional directors, if applicable, for the consideration of a matter or subject of an urgent nature. All vote requests shall signed by the President or the Secretary. The members of the Executive Committee shall be obliged to send their vote to the President or Secretary within five (5) days upon receipt of the request. Those votes that are not received in those five (5) days stated herein will be considered in favor of the proposition that has the majority votes.

Article 6.08    Faculties and Attributes of the Minute Secretary

  1. To assist the presidency.
  2. Upon the President’s instructions, call all ASSOCIATION meetings.
  3. Keep an updated record of the minutes and proceedings of the decision-making bodies of the Association.
  4. Design the logistics required for the organization of the ASSOCIATION meetings.

Article 6.09    Faculties and Attributes of the Treasurer

  1. The Treasurer shall be in charge of receiving payments of all duties from all members of the ASSOCIATION, collect payment of licenses from each registered promoter, sanction fees, percentage paid by the boxers, license granted to managers, payment for operating and functioning license that should be made by Associate Members of the ASSOCIATION, donations, as well as any other sums it must receive. Likewise, he shall pay all expenses approved by the President.
  2. The Treasurer shall present to the President a monthly Treasury Statement containing the income and expenses that occurred as well as the balance sheet or financial statement, and the budget report. The Treasurer shall present a similar written report to the Directorate.
  3. The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping adequate accounting records for the ASSOCIATION.
  4. Together with the President, the Treasurer shall sign checks or vouchers to make payment for any concept by the ASSOCIATION and shall be responsible for his pursuant to the Legal Bases of the ASSOCIATION and to law.
  5. The Treasury Director shall report to the President, or the Directorate, when so requested, all the movement of the Treasury during the period indicated. For such purposes, he shall present the books, vouchers, documents, accounts receivable and accounts payable, the Balance Sheet or Financial Statement of the ASSOCIATION.
  6. The Treasury’s management must be backed by a fidelity insurance that covers the risk of exposure by the administration of the monetary funds.

Article 6.10    Faculties and Attributes of the International Coordinator

  1. To coordinate the organized development of boxing in the regions through strategic plans and proceedings in cooperation with the regional authorities. 
  2. To stimulate and to propitiate the formation of regional leaders establishing agreements of cooperation for its continuity and growth.
  3. o indicate directives for the plans and activities that the Regional Directors must execute.

Article 6.11    Faculties and Attributes of the Vice-president

  1. He is the person who replace the president in cases of absence.
  2. To develop the link that contributes to the strengthening of the ASSOCIATION with the authorities of their countries and zone of influence.
  3. To oversee the good image of the ASSOCIATION in their countries and zones of influence.
  4. To keep good relationship with mas media members

Article 6.12    Faculties and Attributes of the Regional Directors 

  1. To work in cooperation and assistance with the International Coordinator to guarantee the presence of the ASSOCIATION in the different region.
  2. Maintain an active presence and follow up on the boxing activity of the region, seeking opportunities for participation.
  3. Encourage the promotion of WBA Championships through negotiations with promoters and boxing authorities of the respective region.
  4. Facilitate the communication channels and services required for the presence of our titles in the region.
  5. Establish good relations with the mass media.



Article 7.01  The President and the members of the Executive Committee may create any advisory bodies, consulting bodies organized individually or collectively that they deem necessary for the proper functioning of the ASSOCIATION with special emphasis on everything related to the management of the world championship and ratings matters whose functions are determined in these bylaws..

All the committees and other authorities contained in these bylaws shall have the faculties and attributions inherent to the nature of their functions and any the other assigned to them by the President or the Executive Committee..

Article 7.02     Ratings Committee

It is an organ of analysis, evaluation and hierarchization of the boxers in the performance of their careers. In order to fulfill this task, it must keep updated records of the activity, records and results of the fights held, as well as the caliber of the contestants. 

It must able to provide opportune information that justifies the movements take place in the ratings. The Ratings Committee will periodically prepare lists of the boxers in every category of weight, in accordance to the “Norms and Procedure for Ranking”. In agreement with the results of the fights every month, it will grant recognitions and mentions of stimulus to the most out-standing boxers. 

Article 7.03     Championships Committee

  1. It shall have the faculties and attributes required to enforce the Rules and Regulations for Championship fights, recognized and approved by the ASSOCIATION.
  2. All Championship fights recognized by the ASSOCIATION shall be governed by its Rules and Regulations.  
  3. Each Boxer recognized as a Champion in his respective division by the ASSOCIATION shall defend his title at such times as may be required in accordance with the ASSOCIATION’s Rules and Regulations.
  4. World Championships shall keep a permanent and strict control and vigilance in the World Championship Bouts sanctioned by the ASSOCIATION, ensuring that all bouts are conducted properly and in compliance with the ASSOCIATION’s regulations. Championships, may abstain from approving any boxing bout in any place in a given country, region or territory that for any objective reason is considered not to have sufficient guarantees for the compliance of the Regulations  that govern championship bouts, as well as the other Legal regulations of the Association.
  5. The recognition of a Boxer as a Champion, in any weight category or division, may be suspended or revoked by the ASSOCIATION for a proven violation of the Rules and Regulations governing the Championships or the ASSOCIATION’s Bylaws.  The same sanction may be inflicted on the Champion and any Boxer for any misconduct harmful to the good name and prestige of the Sport of Boxing or for any act contrary to the morals and ethical principles of the Sport, duly proven by Championships or other Authority of the ASSOCIATION. Likewise, the ASSOCIATION may refrain from rating or maintaining relations with a boxer or with persons involved in acts or conduct contrary to the good name, integrity or prestige of the ASSOCIATION or boxing.
  6. Championships shall send the Treasurer the total amount of the sanction fees once received, and he will be responsible for collecting them. 
  7. Any other tasks assigned to it by the President.

Article 7.04     Legislative  Committee

It shall be responsible for studying any proposed amendments to the By-Laws submitted by the President and/or the Executive Committee, and shall prepare or submit the report required by these By-Laws.   The Executive Committee may, however, decide upon any amendment of which the Legislative Committee has not produced the information referred to in this Article, subject to the provisions of this bylaws, as well as any other information as may be appointed by the President.

Article 7.05     Credentials  Committee

At the opening of each ASSOCIATION Assembly, the President shall designate the persons who will provide accreditation, following a treasury report, of those members with right to vote.  The President shall designate one of the members of the Executive Committee to preside over this meeting. The President shall designate from among the members of the Executive Committee, who will preside over said activity, and present to the Assembly a detailed report containing the names of the Members who are duly registered and qualified to vote, and any other tasks assigned by the President..

Article 7.06     Administration and Finance Committee

Shall be responsible for preparing the general income and expense budget of the ASSOCIATION in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws, as well as any other task assigned by the president.




Article 8.01   The Members of the ASSOCIATION, by virtue of the Rules and Regulations that govern international boxing in any of its forms, according to the principles and purposes of the Association and, in the best interests of boxing and the ASSOCIATION, shall comply with and respect the disciplinary sanctions that are imposed by the legitimate, competent and authorized authority in accordance with this bylaws.  

As a consequence of the above, the Association shall not allow any person to compete, officiate, or act in any boxing related activity while the sanction is in effect..   

Article 8.02  The WBA will respect the fundamental rights of its members, which are not restricted by these bylaws, however, with regard to disciplinary sanctions, or sanctions for violation of our rules, regulations, Fair Boxing program, anti-doping protocols and code of ethics, any of its members, including Boxers, shall use exclusively the resolution procedures set forth by our appeals systems, accepting solely jurisdiction and proceedings in a free, voluntary, preferential, obligatory, exclusive and excluding any other means of defense, where in the first instance all the facts on the subject matter of the appeal must be discussed until all the facts have been exhausted, the decisions of which shall be final and binding. 

Article 8.03  The WBA, considering the adoption of the statutory system of special subsidiary domiciles to deal with financial, operational, administrative, sports, or any other kind of matters in accordance with the application of its principles and postulates of equality, fairness and transparency of its international activities, especially the sports one, in accordance with the legislation of procedural law and international private law that allows voluntarily choosing a contractual domicile to solve any international conflict or dispute through arbitration, establishes the system of double instance against any dispute or conflicts arising from the commission of an infringement of any of the regulations set forth in the preceding articles, whereby the person or persons affected by a decision imposed by the legitimate, competent and empowered authority may, in the first instance, file internal appeals for protest, complaint and review with the same body that made the decision, duly notified to the interested party or parties by any means that guarantees such action; exhausted, within the time limits that must be stated in the body of the resolution, he may in second instance formally appeal to the court or sports arbitration tribunal, with domicile in Lausanne, Switzerland, as the authority to resolve disputes or conflicts against the decisions imposed in accordance with the WBA bylaws, which the members recognized, certified and accepted by the WBA including boxers recognize as an independent judicial authority in conformity with the terms, deadlines and regulations that such sports arbitration tribunal requires to process, substantiate and decide such disputes.

Article 8.04 It is hereby established that only the formal decision of the WBA may be appealed before the Court of Arbitration for Sport and/or the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) and that decision shall be final, definitive and obligatory, if the deadlines for filing and exhausting internal remedies have expired and the respective appeal is not filed with the aforementioned Court of Arbitration for Sport.

Article 8.05 The WBA for all anti-doping purposes has developed and established an agreement with the VADA through the incorporation of its Fair Boxing program, adopted in April 2017, whose sports arbitration Tribunal shall also be competent to decide the sanctions to be imposed for the violation of the use of prohibited substances, as determined and established by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).



Article 9.01:  All the members of the World Boxing Association are abiding to follow the following Code of Ethics

  1. Place loyalty, fairness, integrity and as the highest values and moral principles in the boxing activity.
  2. Protect the health, well-being, and integrity of boxers.
  3. Reject any action against justice and honesty in the boxing competitions. 
  4. Demand and observe the completion of the ethical and moral values required to guarantee the professional honesty of our judges and referees.
  5. Fight and eradicate any elements of corruption that could affect the image of boxing.
  6. Oppose and counteract discrimination based on race, nationality, religion, social condition.
  7. Uphold and respect the constitution, the laws and the legal dispositions of all the countries affiliated to the World Boxing Association.
  8. Uphold and respect the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and principles of the WBA.  
  9. Make use of the communications media to expose positive aspects of boxing, its contribution to society as a lawful and constructive activity. 
  10. Devote the best efforts to satisfy the expectations of the public and fan, in harmony and conjunction with promoters, managers, boxers, and all the boxing people.
  11. Avoid unethical behavior that may cause any moral damage to those involved in the sport of boxing.
  12. Counteract behavior in detriment of the economic benefits of boxers, who should always be fairly compensated for their efforts.
  13. Pursue absolute equality and justice in the administration of matters influencing the decision making to settle situations derived from the controversies among the actors and interested parties in boxing.    
  14. Avoid performances that could jeopardize the image and prestige of the WBA, nor take part in any action that could create conflict of interests with the purposes and activities of the Association.  
  15. The Boxers must value the human condition of their opponents showing a high respect and professional appreciation and must recognize with nobility the results and decisions of the boxing competitions.    
  16. The Boxers must contribute to eradicate the illicit use of drugs, participating in preventing campaigns in their communities, being an example to children and youth.    
  17. Boxers, aware of the importance of keeping a clean sports record as for the antidoping procedure, shall always be ready to comply with the tests and examinations that to such purposes are established in the World Championships Rules of the WBA. Boxers must shake hands before the commencement of the contest and at the beginning of the final round. Boxers should show appreciation and respect for their opponents before and after the contest.
  18. World Champions and boxers rated in the WBA acquire the commitment to keep civil and constructive behavior being an example to youngsters, taking active part in activities bound to form good citizens. 
  19. Boxes, managers, promoters, trainers and seconds, must at all times respect and regard decisions made by officials, judges and referees in boxing matches as final and definitive. 
  20. All the members of WBA must uphold, respect and recognize the property and rights on the use of the name, initials, symbols, championships belts, and any other emblem that should identify the World Boxing Association as the oldest the most traditional organization in the boxing world. 
  21. The medical commissions of the country’s members promise to work together with the WBA in all the programs and actions directed to the improvement of the health and safety measures for boxing and its members. In the same way they must elaborate social plans must bound to improve the quality of life of the boxer, both in his active phase and in his retirement stage of his career. 



Article 10.01  It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors, which may be constituted as an Assembly, with the majority vote of the members present, to decide on any reform, modification or amendment of the Bylaws. 

The approved modifications or amendments shall have immediate effect unless otherwise provided for in the respective provision.

With the same legal effects as those established herein as faculties of the Directorate, those corresponding to the presidency, the Executive Committee and the regional directors when they are called are established on this matter.

Article 10.02   The Directorate and/or the Executive Committee and/or the presidency shall establish the formal ways established in the bylaws to submit for the consideration of any reform, modification or amendment to the same. 



The Bylaws of the World Boxing Association, approved in Yalta, Ukraine, in 2004, are hereby repealed, as well as any other provision that collides with the present Bylaws of the Association, the repealed texts of which have been merged so that they may henceforth serve as the basis and govern the fulfillment of the new vision and mission and philosophy contained in ONE BOXING”, promoted and incorporated by the current president Gilberto Jesús Mendoza, to handle the affairs of this Association, whose foundations and guidelines are faithfully contained in these Bylaws in accordance with the Santa Lucía Plan and the Planning Axes drafted in 2015 by President Emeritus, Gilberto Mendoza.

The rest of the legal provisions shall remain in force in all matters that do not contradict these Bylaws



Article 11.01 DISSOLUTION

The World Boxing Association shall be dissolved for the following reasons:

  1. By agreement adopted by at least the two thirds of its members present at the General Assembly meeting at its Annual Convention.
  2. By final judicial decision.

Article 11.02 LIQUIDATION

Once the dissolution of the A World Boxing Association is agreed, the liquidation period begins until the end of which the entity will retain its legal personality.

This liquidation shall be carried out by the person appointed by the directorate constituted as General Assembly upon request and the Executive Committee where the dissolution was decided. This role may fall on the last President or, in his absence, on the Vice President or any other member of the Association, who must report to all other members of the current Directorate.  Once the liability has been satisfied, the moneys that make up the assets of the Association will pass to any charitable institution agreed upon by the members.  It must be understood that, having decreed the dissolution of the World Boxing Association, it does not involve in any way the WBA or WBA brand.

The  liquidators shall:

  1. Ensure the integrity of the World Boxing Association’s heritage.
  2. Conclude pending operations and carry out any new operations that may be necessary for the liquidation.
  3. Collect credits from the World Boxing Association.
  4. Liquidate assets and pay creditors.
  5. To apply any surplus assets to the purposes provided for in the By-laws.
  6. Request the cancellation of the entries in the Register

The resulting assets, after the payment of debts and social charges, will be destined to non-profit entities that pursue charitable interest purposes.

In the event of insolvency of the World Boxing Association, the Executive Committee or the liquidators, must immediately initiate the appropriate legal proceedings before the competent judge.





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