The next March 17, 2015, at the Headquarters of the World Boxing Association in Panama City, will take place the Purse bid for the 200-lbs cruiserweight division mandatory title fight between Denis Lebedev and Youri Kalenga.
Both teams, regular champion Lebedev, and Interim Champion Kalenga, did not reach an agreement on the negotiation period given, so the Championships Committee chaired by Gilberto Jesús Mendoza ordered the Purse bid as indicated in the regulation.
The Bidding will take place on Tuesday, March 17th, 2015, at 11:00 a.m., at WORLD BOXING ASSOCIATION OFFICE located at: Avenida Aquilino de la Guardia c/c Calle 47, Edificio Ocean Business Plaza, Piso 14, Oficina 14-05, Marbella, Panama, Panama.
The minimum beading amount is US$ 200,000.00 will be split 55% and 45%.