Indian Boxing Council Formed

Indian Boxing Council Formed

Indian Boxing Council Formed

Indian Boxing Council Formed

Mr. Neerav Tomar, MD & CEO IOS and Chairman Commercial Arm, IBC & Brig. Muradharan Raja, President IBC unveiling IBC logo
Vijender Singh is such a hot property in the boxing world that some of the biggest boxing promoters queued up for his signature. (Photo: Courtesy)

The Indian Boxing Council (IBC), a nonprofit that will promote professional boxing in India, has just been formed, announced Brigadier P.K. Muralidharan Raja, former secretary general of the Indian Amateur Boxing Federation and now president of the IBC, at a press conference yesterday in New Delhi.

The IBC, based in Pune, Maharashtra, will sanction professional matches and award titles to its boxers.

“Indian amateur boxing has shown an exciting upswing over the past two decades,” said Raja. “Unfortunately, we seem to have lost momentum in the last three years due to multiple squabbles and administrative issues with the International Boxing Association. Our boxers have suffered enough. It’s time we did something for them. We should be extremely proud that one of our boxers, Vijender Singh, is such a hot property in the boxing world that some of the biggest boxing promoters queued up for his signature. Let’s create more Vijenders.”

The organization will help usher India’s amateur boxers into the professional realm, seeking to arrange significant matches for them both domestically and around the world, including those of four, six, and eight rounds, with 12-round championship bouts the ultimate goal.

The IBC took the opportunity to announce that Infinity Optimal Solutions (IOS) will be responsible for the organization’s marketing needs, and has named Neerav Tomar, CEO of IOS, chairman of the IBC’s commercial branch.

It was IOS that helped arrange Singh’s signing with UK-based Queensberry Promotions.

“I’m very excited to be involved with the IBC and to help develop pro boxing in India,” said Tomar. “This is a great moment for Indian boxing. IOS has been associated with the sport for more than a decade, and this new initiative by Brigadier Raja will surely help take boxing to the next level.”

“The IBC is committed to developing an entire platform to produce both Asian and world champions in the next few years,” concluded Raja.

Additional information is available by visiting the IBC’s website at

This article was penned by the author who is not related to the WBA and the statements, expressions or opinions referenced herein are that of the author alone and not the WBA.

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