Happy Birthday President

Happy Birthday President

Happy Birthday President

Happy Birthday President

Happy Birthday PresidentThe President of the World Boxing Association celebrates today another life anniversary, and we join this celebration and send him our best wishes of health and success.

70 years of continuous struggle.  Mendoza was born on March 30, 1943 in Cubiro, Lara state, Venezuela. Mendoza is an Engineer who was an amateur boxer in his youth, and has dedicated his life to raise the regional organization development, the boxer’s real value, and transparency in boxing.

Among Mendoza’s memories as boxer, he recalls that in 1961 he had the opportunity to be the sparring partner of Ramón Arias. “It was one round in the stadium of Barquisimeto, when Ramon was training to fight Eder Jofre for the bantamweight title”.

He also remembers. “My trainer was Bombero (fireman) Torrealba, friend of Hector Criollo and the sparring coordinator was Colorao (red man), who controlled the enthusiasm of all the amateur boxers who wanted to help”.

Mendoza says that it was an honor for all the youngsters to work with “the legend who taught us his defensive skills, to avoid being punched by the attacks rather than defend ourselves from any attack”.

He has been in front of the WBA since 1982, when he won the presidential elections in the Convention held in Puerto Rico.

Ever since, Mendoza has devoted himself to work towards the improvement of professional boxing. One of his greatest achievements has been the creation of the KO Drugs campaign, which now known worldwide.

He also promoted the creation of regional bodies, supporting their independent growth and development, as well as Yearly seminars for International Officials and Doctor.

He keeps a conciliatory speech, he respects loyalty and friendship; he practices the promotion of friendship among boxing organizations, Mendoza has been an example of hard work in pursuit of the welfare and growth of boxing.

We wish a happy birthday to President Gilberto Mendoza, and we trust that many more will come.

Feliz cumpleaños Presidente

El presidente de la Asociación Mundial de Boxeo celebra hoy un nuevo aniversario de vida, por lo que nos unimos al festejo y enviamos los mejores deseos de bienestar, salud y éxitos. Son 70 años de lucha constante.

Mendoza nació el 30 de marzo de 1943, en Cubiro, estado Lara, Venezuela. Profesional de la Ingeniería, y boxeador aficionado durante su juventud, se ha dedicado a enarbolar la bandera de los organismos regionales, de la importancia justa a los boxeadores, y del manejo claro del deporte.

Está al frente de la AMB desde 1982, momento en el cual ganó la presidencia en la Convención realizada en Puerto Rico.

Desde entonces, Mendoza se ha dedicado a trabajar en pro de las mejoras del boxeo profesional. Uno de sus mayores logros ha sido la creación del programa KO a las Drogas, que ahora pasó a ser una campaña mundial.

Además, fue el promotor de los organismos regionales a los que ha apoyado para su crecimiento independiente, el fomento del crecimiento de los oficiales a través de los seminarios al igual que el personal médico de la AMB.

Siempre con un discurso conciliador, respetuoso de los principios de lealtad y amistad; al igual que practicante de fomentar la idea de amistad entre los organismos mundiales, Mendoza ha sido un ejemplo de trabajo constante en procura del bienestar y crecimiento del boxeo.

En este día deseamos un Feliz cumpleaños al Presidente Gilberto Mendoza, confiando en que vendrán más aniversarios.

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